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Psychology Secrets for Great Interaction Design


Part of the trick to becoming a great interactive designer is escaping self-referential thinking, developing empathy, and factoring a wide-array of contextual user scenarios. At Kounterattack, we use personas to help develop a greater understanding of user. A solid persona will identify the users objectives, experiential needs and long-terms factors. Here's a little recap of some psychological considerations to assign in persona development:

It’s becoming more important every day for your designs to connect more with users and include a “human element.” Website and user experience design needs to feel real, from aesthetics to interactions to motion (perceived and real) to emotional connection.

The problem designers most often encounter when thinking about users is not thinking about them as actual people. It sounds a little crazy, right? But we are not talking about designing robots here. As described in Interaction Design Best Practices, humanistic design creates an engaging experience that users can connect with physically and emotionally.

Designs with a human touch just feel right. It might be intangible, but it’s undeniably powerful. Think of interactions between people. Most communication happens using common languages, such as speech or even posture or gestures. It’s usable communication.

It’s the very same thing when it comes to designing a website or app. The most stripped-down purpose is to communicate something with users. Creating a simple, easy-to-understand method for this communication is always the quickest route to success.

Click Here to see a few ways of doing it.

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Collaborizm featured in NYTimes

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Why Social Start-Ups Are a Unique Endeavor

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