MTVN Homepage
The MTV Network website provided a platform for potential advertisers, media buyers and planners to connect with their networks and respective audiences.

Viacom, Inc.
Relative Emotions
The MTV Network website provided a platform for potential advertisers, media buyers and planners to connect with their networks and respective audiences.
This page breaks down each specific target audience of the MTV Network for brands to more easily find a specific demographic for their advertising.
Overviews contain detailed descriptions of each fan base with a list of corresponding brands within the network that cater to the selected audience.
MTV Networks is a conglomerate of a multitude of influential networks and brands that reach a large array of audiences. Here potential partners can see a list of brands that fall under the MTVN network.
Each brand overview provides detailed statistics and respective audiences that potential advertisers, buyers, and planners can view to better inform their inquiries for partnerships.
Case studies go futher in depth with the influence the MTV Network brands have on the audiences they captivate with their content and outreach.